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 Visiting a Church for the first time can be intimidating, especially when you have no idea what's going on! We want to help make your first experience at EFC a fun one, so here's we have to offer:

Career-age Adults

Our Young Adults ministry meets a few times a month for Bible Studies and 

Boardgame night at #hexagoncafe._Janelle won because she rigged the camel races and Paul b
Sunday gatherings

Every Sunday, 10:30am, with coffee and chats before and after the service. 

Women's Ministries

The Women's Ministry and Special Events committee strive to involve and support EFC, particularly the women, through spiritual nourishment and by organizing food for social gatherings, celebrations and lunches for birthdays, Mother's Day, Anniversary, Advent, Christmas, fundraisers, picnics, funerals, and visits from special guests, as well as assisting with practical tasks such as communion, decorations, etc as needed for the day-to-day operation of the church.

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